While outer finishing of metal pipes often serves decorative purposes, the grinding and polishing of the inside fulfills functional requirements. Years of experience and our high quality standards for the final result of our work ensure the perfect high gloss even on the inside of the pipe – as individual pieces or in series.
High-quality finishing of all types of metal pipes
To grind and polish the tubes, they are set in rotation and then the inside diameter of the tube is refined to a high gloss.
Manual processing from the inside and outside
For custom-made items and workpieces that cannot be automated, we offer hand grinding and polishing of the highest quality. Our flexible processes allow the inner and outer surfaces of almost any size metal pipe to be hand-finished to meet your needs.
Automated grinding and polishing
We implement series production of high-quality metal pipes using the latest robot technology. In this way we ensure the consistently high product quality and the particularly efficient order processing.